Halo Wellness and Aesthetics

Health Over Trends

Laser Technology in Cosmetic Treatments

Ablative vs. Non-Ablative and the effects each type has on collagen production

When it comes to lasers in cosmetic practices, two main types dominate the scene: ablative and non-ablative lasers.​

Ablative and non-ablative lasers, both aim to stimulate collagen production, one of the keys to youthful skin, but they work differently from eachother.

How do each work? 

Ablative lasers, like CO2 and erbium lasers, remove the skin’s outer layers, making a quick but painful resurfacing solution. However, these results are temporary, and the process comes with risks such as scarring and pigmentation changes.

Non-ablative lasers, which we use at Halo, offer a more sustainable approach. They bypass the skin’s surface, targeting deeper layers to stimulate collagen without wounding the outer skin. The result? Healthier skin that heals from the inside out, reducing inflammation and hyperpigmentation over time.

Our practice combines non-ablative lasers with treatments like micro-needling, PRP, and growth factors to give you long-lasting, natural results. Instead of a quick fix, we focus on regenerative aesthetics to help slow down aging, treating your skin from the inside out for healthier, glowing skin.


Learn more about our holistic and integrative approach

skin health vs skin care how halo ia-h is different and focused on wellness
Holistic Aesthetics

Skin Health vs. Skin Care

At Integrative Aesthetics by Halo (IA-h), we embrace a science-driven approach to beauty that prioritizes skin health and regenerative medicine. Instead of quick fixes, we focus on natural, personalized solutions that enhance beauty by stimulating the body’s internal and external processes.

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